Pledging FAQs

“Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that He has given you.” Deuteronomy 16:17

What is a pledge?

A pledge is a commitment by you to give a stated amount to St. Mary’s for the following year – usually in monthly payments (or weekly or quarterly, if that works better for you).

My income varies, so how do I calculate how much to pledge?

A pledge is your commitment to be in support of your church. While income is not always predictable, a pledge is an indication that there is a minimum amount you would like to commit. If you decide to make more of a contribution because of higher income, that is welcomed.

How much does St. Mary’s receive from the Episcopal Church?

Nothing. In fact, St. Mary’s makes an annual pledge, quite a substantial percentage of our budget, to the Diocese of Virginia every year.

I understand St. Mary’s prefers that I make a pledge rather than putting money in the plate each Sunday – why?

Quite simply, St. Mary’s can rely on your pledge as predictable income – whether you happen to be at church that Sunday or not. This enables us to accurately budget for the coming year’s expenses in all that we are called to do.

What is an appropriate pledge?

The amount of your pledge is between you and God and will obviously be determined by your income (see Proportional Giving information below).

What is Proportional Giving?

Proportional giving involves setting aside a tithe (10%) or other portion of your income to the work of St. Mary’s as one of your highest priorities. Amounts below show Annual Income and monthly income and different percentages you can pledge.


How do I make a pledge?

You can complete the pledge card that was mailed to you and mail it to St. Mary’s, drop it in the offertory plate, pledge online, or contact Elizabeth Starling in the church office.