Children’s Ministries

Vacation Bible School 2024: Gone Fishin’! 

Vacation Bible School will be Monday-Thursday, June 10-13, and runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Registration ended Friday, May 24.

Sunday School for 2023-202

We gather for Sunday School for 4-year-olds through 5th Graders on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. If the temperature is 55 degrees and above and the weather is dry, we will hold Sunday School outdoors on the nature trail at the back of the campus, near the Youth Education Building. If it is chilly or rainy we will gather in the Block Room before breaking into smaller groups. Please contact Amelia McDaniel with any questions or for more information.

Children’s Ministry Sign-Up Links

Children’s Chapel

Children’s Chapel is held during the 11 o’clock service. Children are invited during the Gospel hymn to come with Amelia and the clergy to the Block Room. During this time, children hear the Gospel story, have time for prayer, and sing. They return to the service at the Peace.

Nursery on Sunday Mornings

Our nursery is open for infants through children aged 4. Our nursery staff, headed by Meg Zehmer, is ready to care for our youngest members. Nursery opens at 8:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings and runs through the end of the 11 a.m. service.

Register Your Child in Our Program!

We want to stay connected with your family, please take a moment to go online and fill out a registration form for your child(ren). This information helps us have updated and accurate information, especially birth dates! We don’t want to miss a single one!

Register your child for Children’s Ministry

Volunteer with Children’s Ministries!

The outdoor format for Sunday School means we need parent volunteers who are willing to check-in kids to Sunday School, pass out snacks, and guide kids from a big group setting to a smaller classroom. These volunteer roles require no preparation and are flexible around your availability. The hope is to build a team of 15-20 parents willing to rotate every few weeks to assist with Sunday School. Or go straight to the sign-up genius link here to go ahead and sign up! If you are interested, contact Amelia McDaniel at

Download the Children’s Ministry Brochure for more information.

Additional Resources:

If you’d like to check out more resources to do at home, you can download, watch, or print them below:

  • Children’s Chapel Worship
  • Order a Sparkhouse Spark Story Bible through Amazon or Sparkhouse Publishing.
  • The music used during Children’s Chapel is from the CD All Creatures, published y Rain for Roots. Order a copy of All Creatures album.