Our Journey through Epiphany

Weekly Reflection, Sunday, February 17, 2019

By: Bob Hetherington

Our journey through the Epiphany season continues. The focus of the season is on revelation which means seeing and understanding how God is at work in our world. The Gospel readings for the season cover the early days of Jesus’ ministry. This morning, we hear the “Sermon on the Plain,” Jesus outlining the foundations of ministry for his disciples (Luke 6:17-26).

God’s blessing come to the poor, the hungry and to those who weep. God meets us in the places where our backs are up against the wall, where we feel alone and abandoned.

Words of caution are also offered for the rich, the well fed, and to those who are laughing now. Adversity will come and get you.

Our journey through life is full of ups and downs. When we feel lost, God is with us in the emptiness. On the other hand, when our hearts of full of blessing, challenges and stresses will never be far away.

We need to give thanks for our blessings and to be aware of opportunities to share our blessings. Every new day is an adventure. How can I live out of a sense of abundance for the gifts God has given me? Where can I make a difference in the life of someone who is struggling or alone?

Our spiritual practices, including personal prayer and Sunday worship, help us pay attention to ways God is calling each of us to use our gifts. By responding we can make a difference for the poor, the hungry, and those who weep.

During the season of Epiphany, Jesus assembles his followers. They saw in Jesus the love and compassion of God. The baton of discipleship has been passed down through the ages to us. How can we expand those values in our world today?