Greatest Gift of All

Advent Reflection, Sunday, December 17, 2017

By: Sarah Jane Wyatt

I don’t know about you, but waiting is hard for me. Whether it’s waiting for a long planned trip, moving to a new home, or for my children to finally graduate and move out of the house! It seems I spend a lot of time saying “I can’t wait until thus and so happens.” But is that really true? Isn’t it the waiting and preparing part that makes the anticipation and appreciation of a long desired event so valuable?

Advent is about the waiting – we all get caught up in Christmas shopping, decorating, and parties. I spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on my list. I know many people wait until Christmas Eve to shop, but not me. I wander the stores, often buying nothing, as I think and reflect on each person and wanting to truly make them happy. I don’t buy anything until I find just the right thing. I enjoy the search and the thrill of finding something unexpected.

But the anticipation of the season is often the best part. I always enjoyed having an Advent wreath when I was young. Each week, a new candle would be lit to signify getting closer to the big day ahead. I have found, though, as I’ve grown older and my children are beginning to lead their own lives, if I slow down and enjoy each moment with our friends and families as Christmas draws near, that is the big gift of the season.

This season, I am trying to slow down, to appreciate the small moments, the ones that are sometimes frustrating, sometimes challenging — but often very rewarding in the end. Like finding the perfect gift that brings my loved ones joy, God has given us Jesus and this special season to reflect, to be thankful, and to find ways to be better stewards of His greatest gift of all.