2017 Lenten Speaker Series: Diocesan Community

Photo Mar 22, 6 46 38 PMThis year’s Lenten Supper and Speaker series focuses on Christian Community. On Wednesday, March 22, the series continued by focusing on the Diocesan community. As Weezie Blanchard wrote, “A vibrant Christian community consists of more than just attending a service on Sunday morning. Involvement in other aspects of our common life is essential to creating a sense of belonging, nurturing faith, and strengthening community.”

Last night’s speaker was the Rev. Andrew Terry of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, who reflected on ties between St. Mary’s and St. Peter’s and our mutual ties to the Diocese. He said, “We see these tiny little contributions in our congregation, tiny little threads that are woven. When we begin to walk around to the other side and see the full expanse of our diocesan family and how its working in god’s salvation and history. We see the beauty and ornate work of God using us. I want you to keep that as an illustration of the Diocese.”

Listen to Andrew’s talk in its entirety below: