2017 Lenten Speaker Series: Anglican Communion

Photo Apr 05, 6 28 07 PMThis year’s Lenten Supper and Speaker series focuses on Christian Community. On Wednesday, April 5, the series continued by focusing on the great worldwide Anglican Communion. As Weezie Blanchard said, “Tonight, we move on to how we at St. Mary’s have relationships in the greater Episcopal Church and in the Anglican Communion which is worldwide. There are Anglican or Episcopal churches on every continent, well, maybe not Antarctica.”

Last night’s speaker was Buck Blanchard, Director of Mission and Outreach for the Diocese of Virginia and Staff Officer for Global Mission Development for The Episcopal Church, who emphasized, “Our challenge to figure out is how do we connect to the place in the world that God has enabled us to connect with and where we have some sort of natural affinity, some reason to connect. Then we have to actually go and visit those people because to see what they do, experience what they experience is what we’re called to do by getting out in the world.”

To see a full map of the Anglican Communion, click here. And listen to Buck’s talk in its entirety below:


St. Mary’s is hosting 40 men from CARITAS this week. Church members are cooking meals, doing laundry and providing shelter for the week. The men greatly appreciate our efforts and agreed to share their experiences at St. Mary’s in this short video.