God is Good to Us

Stewardship Reflection, Friday, November 5

By: Harry Baldwin and Missy Roberts, Wardens of St. Mary’s Vestry

God is Good! – what a clear, simple, and profound statement. In general terms, the word “good” appears in the King James Version of the Bible 809 times while the word “great” is seen 669.

God is certainly good to us, both individually and collectively. God has graced us with faith and love for Him, while giving us well-being, friends to cherish, and family to love. Our Heavenly Father has abundantly graced us at St. Mary’s with a vibrant parish family, which offers us comfort, safety, and supportive relationships. In parts of the world, worship means risking one’s life and being susceptible to persecution or death – thankfully, this is not the case for us in the United States or at our parish in Goochland.
Since God is so good to us, how can we thank Him and express our gratitude.

  • As Senior and Junior Wardens, we offer you this meaningful and powerful process
  • Take an inventory of the ways which God has blessed you.
  • Call them by name.
  • Reflect on the ways in which these blessings have graced you.
  • Think how your life would be different without them.
  • Pray to God and thank Him for His goodness and mercy to you.

This inventory acknowledges our gratitude to God and expresses our profound thanks. When we were younger, our parents would often say, “Count your blessings.” We should not take God’s love and His gifts for granted.

Another way to express our gratitude to God is to extend kindness to others. St. Mary’s cares for each member of our parish family. During the pandemic, our parish found many ways to continue to care and support others; virtual worship services, “hand carried” meals, phone calls, and cards, our parish nourished each other. The Outreach efforts of St. Mary’s are not mere programs but a part of our parish DNA. They are tangible ways in which we can live out our call to be servants by serving others beyond the campus of St. Mary’s

St. Mary’s is a light to the world, whose light to the world will continue to shine and become even brighter when we express our gratitude to God. An additional method of expressing gratitude to God is to give financially to the work and spread of His kingdom. The strength of our financial position allows us to do God’s work. We urge you to pray, to reflect, and to ask for guidance in your pledge to St. Mary’s. Let your financial support and giving be a sincere and thoughtful expression of your gratitude to God for all of the good He has given.

“All things come of Thee, O Lord, and of Thine own have we given Thee. Amen”