A Growing Appreciation of my Blessings

Stewardship Reflection, Sunday, October 13, 2019

By: Danny Williams

As our stewardship campaign gets underway, the focus falls on the needs of the church, for they are many and growing. But perhaps an even more important element in this exercise is our need to give. I see stewardship as one of the very most important missions of the church; a lesson, that if learned, will contribute more to peace of mind· than just about anything. An end to feeling guilty about spending on other things; an end to feelings of resentment at requests for donations; a joy at pleasing the asker and being able to do your part for whatever the enterprise might be. All within the framework of a stewardship standard that you have decided is right for you. We all know successful people who are generous. I have come to believe that they are successful because they are generous, not the other way around.

In 1981 when I turned 44, I decided that I would try to give away ten percent of my income. I included all giving in my objective. Not just church, but schools, hospitals, museums, the United Way, and the guy at the stoplight. This might fall short of the biblical tithe of returning to God a tenth of what he gives you. I suppose a strict interpretation would call for the whole ten percent going to the church. But it was a standard that seemed achievable for Georga and me and it made room for plenty of new giving. Now at age 81, I look back on this decision as a primary reason for the wonderful easy life that I am so grateful for. A good theme for living, if not for a stewardship campaign might be Ecclesiasties 11:1- “Cast your bread upon the waters for after many days you will find it again.” That’s exactly how it has played out for me. I found that with the rearrangement of my priorities, many of my other hopes and aspirations no longer seemed so important. A growing appreciation of my existing blessings took their place.

So as you consider your support for St. Mary’s in 2020, please also consider the broader benefits that stewardship brings. I believe you will be glad you did.