Turning a New Page

A Weekly Reflection, Sunday, January 14, 2018

By: Al Rider, Senior Warden

As you are reading this, Weezie and Buck are driving to Denver. We all wish them godspeed and safe travels. Needless to say I am saddened by their departure. We have been in such a good place.

But now we turn the page! A new moment to listen, reflect, and try to decipher what is God’s calling for St. Mary’s. One thing I know is that we remain in a good place.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been fortunate to observe a number of groups at work at St. Mary’s, including The Rector Search Committee, the ad hoc committee addressing Legacy Giving, the Vestry, the Fellowship Committee, the Choir, and Altar Guild. These groups collectively compose well over 70 parishioners. What I saw was commitment and seriousness of purpose. I also saw laughter, gracious collaboration, and shared mission.

From where is this vitality, this enthusiasm coming? I believe we have responded, and will continue to respond, to the findings of our recent discernment. That process challenged us to be more engaged, as Bob Hetherington says, “to lean in.” When we – each in our own way –  serve the needs of this parish and the needs of our community, we live in the Spirit and it feeds us.

While we are in transition, awaiting the calling of our new rector, I urge each one of us to continue to lean in. I am confident we will and for that we will continue to remain in a good place.