Stewardship Kickoff

We are excited that you are a part of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in this time of growth and vibrancy! As we embark on a new church year together, a continued sense of appreciation for our past and a new enthusiasm for our future invite all of us to open the next chapters of St. Mary’s story in our life in Christ.

Our theme for the 2018 Annual Giving Campaign is “A Gift Opens the Way.” After meeting this summer, the Stewardship Committee decided to expand on the Diocese of Virginia’s 2018 Theme “To you All Hearts Are Open.” These are words you hear at the beginning of almost every worship service when the Clergy prays, “Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid…” Here at St. Mary’s, we are not only opening our hearts but unlocking our future – and your gifts are the key.

Each time we come to church, grab our nametags, settle into our pews, move from hymnal to prayer book to bulletin, it’s sometimes easy to miss this important call to worship…. and into our relationship and story with God. This year we invite each person who enters our doors or drives by our beautiful campus to consider how your gifts of time, talent, and treasure open the way for each of us to deepen our relationships with God and build a community of faith.

This fall we are telling the story of how all our gifts have a profound impact within our Parish, in our local community, and around the globe with written and video reflections.

As you hear these stories, we ask you to consider through prayer and conversations with God how you and your family are being called to open your heart and share your gifts with St. Mary’s and its mission. Join us as we reflect on how to strengthen our vision and enhance our vibrant mission through stewardship. We are excited about connecting with each of you, and we are excited about this year at St. Mary’s!

With open hearts full of gratitude for your presence at St. Mary’s,

Jane duFrane & Fay Lohr

Click here to watch co-chairs, Jane and Fay, kickoff this year’s campaign!