“Engaging the Parish” Workshop Meets

About a dozen of our very active parishioners gathered with John, Eleanor and David on a recent Saturday morning to explore ways to get even more of us engaged in parish activities.  As Eleanor put it, “We want to give as many people as possible an opportunity to change their lives as our lives have been changed.”  Wally Stettinius led off the discussion by noting our many successes.  Things are really, really good at St. Mary’s.  But, as Wally noted, “No organization can afford to sit on its laurels.  Success can be toxic to your future.”

We broke up into three groups to deliberate on three key areas:  Worship and Programs, Fellowship and Outreach.    After more than an hour in our groups, we reconvened to share our ideas.  To say that the sessions were productive would be a gross understatement.  We developed a slew of ideas about new initiatives in each of the three areas and across all of our age groups.

We resolved to take all of our ideas and report them to the vestry and the committee heads.  They will then come up with an annual plan for each of our committees and for all of our activities.